Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oreo Cakesters

Oreo cakesters. What do they have to do with social media? Advertising.
      In a recently run commercial, a father and son are pictured chatting about dunking oreo cakesters in milk. The son was creating his own facebook group for people who love dunking oreo cakesters in milk. Meanwhile, his facebook-illiterate father was questioning how to even access facebook. Did he just sign up? Enter the web address?
     The commercial reflects typical trends in many families. The younger generation is tech savvy and the older generation is the one trying to catch up.
    Nabisco tapped into the power of social media and used it to relate to their audience. Both facebook and Nabisco profitted  from the commercial. Facebook recieved exposure while Nabisco tapped into a new advertising medium.
     Will we see more of this cross-advertising in the future? My guess is yes. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks wield enormous power in the amount of participants they attract and conversations they sponsor. The advertising industry is likely to not pass by this rich venue.

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